
Improving the lives of the people and economic vitality of Indiana and beyond

  • K-12 Education: IU will build on successful K-12 initiatives, including high school pathways and free dual-credit offerings; and highlight the Schools of Education and impact on supplying K-12 educators and offering advanced teacher education programs.
  • Stronger Alignment with State's Targeted Initiatives: IU will contribute to Indiana's future economic prosperity by leveraging its strengths and resources, particularly talent development, in areas that the state (Indiana Economic Development Corporation) has targeted for investment and growth, including the following: Ag/Bioscience; Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning; Battery Technology; Cybersecurity; Microelectronics/Semiconductors; and Advanced Manufacturing.
  • Leverage Global Assets: IU will mobilize its international relationships, world-class language and area studies programs, and global alumni networks; and advance the state's international priorities—including international trade and investments, workforce development, and global career readiness. IU will successfully implement IU-Indiana Department of Education initiatives in the area of international education and career readiness.
  • Continuing Investment in Life and Health Sciences: IU will sustain and grow the life and health sciences ecosystem, thereby enabling talent attraction and retention for the state’s life and health sciences and biotech industry. IU will leverage the strength of the university’s health disciplines to impact public health in Indiana, particularly for low-income and minority residents. IU and Purdue will create a joint biosciences engineering institute in Indianapolis, which will develop new life-enhancing therapies and technologies and expand the number of professions whose unique research and training will create start-ups and attract new companies to Indiana.
  • Workforce Partnerships: IU will support campus capabilities and networks to partner with local business and industry more effectively on workforce needs.

IU is committed to timely education, research, innovation, economic development, community service, and engagement.

How we'll measure success

K-12 Education Success Metrics

  • Increase the number of career pathway partnerships with high schools in each campus service region, with focus on underserved populations.
  • Increase number of education graduates from all campuses.
  • Increase the number of in-state students, especially high performers, attending IU.

Stronger Alignment with State’s (IEDC) Targeted Initiatives Success Metrics

  • Increase current baseline funding/investments in schools and departments related to Central Indiana Corporate Partnership (CICP) initiatives.
  • Increase number of faculty/grad students engaged in basic/applied research in areas linked to CICP initiatives.
  • Increase faculty/staff talent linked to DOD funding, including NSWC Crane.
  • Increase the number of inter-institutional research collaborations in targeted areas.

Leverage Global Assets Success Metrics

  • Increase participation of IU experts in consultations/support for state trade and investment activity.
  • Increase linkages between Indiana industry and IU-affiliated foreign businesses.
  • Successfully implement IU-Indiana Department of Education initiatives in the area of international education and career readiness.

Continuing Investment in Life and Health Sciences Success Metrics

  • Increase number of Indiana patients enrolled in clinical trials.
  • Establish a healthcare data lake and use by stakeholders within and beyond state.
  • Increase the number/size of IU’s investments in community or targeted population programs related to the health and well-being of Hoosiers.
  • Increase research funding and economic development activities by the biosciences engineering institute.

Workforce Partnerships Success Metrics

  • Grow line-item appropriation from the state.
  • Increase campus involvement on economic development committees and boards throughout the service region.
  • Increase internships and practicum placements with local business and industry.
  • Grow campus engagement with local school districts to include pilot programs, particularly in rural and under-served regions.
  • Provide opportunities for new external connections to state resources.

These are suggested metrics. Each campus will develop its own set of metrics to support the strategic plan framework.