Bloomington Strategic Plan Metrics

Increasing on-time undergraduate graduation rates, with a priority on reducing and closing equity gaps.

On-time full-time Bachelor’s degree beginner* graduation rates (4-year)
Campus Baseline (2018 cohort) 2023-24 (2019 cohort) % Change
Bloomington 69.3% 70.1% 0.8%
Six-year full-time Bachelor’s degree beginner* graduation rates
Campus Baseline (2016 cohort) 2023-24 (2017 cohort) % Change
Bloomington 81.1% 81.2% 0.1%

For all metrics focused on reducing and eliminating equity gaps, a 0 or greater percentage reflects a favorable gap.

On-time graduation rate: Reduce and close equity gaps among underrepresented students of color
Campus Baseline (2018 cohort) 2023-24 (2019 cohort)
Bloomington -9.2% -11.8%
On-time graduation rate: Reduce and close equity gaps among 21st Century Scholar recipients
Campus Baseline (2018 cohort) 2023-24 (2019 cohort)
Bloomington -12.1% -17.3%
Six-year graduation rate: Reduce and close equity gaps among underrepresented students of color
Campus Baseline (2016 cohort) 2023-24 (2017 cohort)
Bloomington -7.7% -7.9%
Six-year graduation rate: Reduce and close equity gaps among 21st Century Scholar recipients
Campus Baseline (2016 cohort) 2023-24 (2017 cohort)
Bloomington -12.0% -10.1%

Strengthening Undergraduate first-to-second-year retention rates, with a priority on reducing and closing equity gaps.

Full-time Bachelor's degree beginner* fall-to-fall retention rates
Campus Baseline (2022 cohort) 2023-24 (2023 cohort)
Bloomington 90.6% Available November 2024
Retention rate: Reduce and close equity gaps among underrepresented students of color
Campus Baseline (2022 cohort) 2023-24 (2023 cohort)
Bloomington -1.4% Available November 2024
Retention rate: Reduce and close equity gaps among 21st Century Scholar recipients
Campus Baseline (2022 cohort) 2023-24 (2023 cohort)
Bloomington -1.5% Available November 2024

Improving Graduate student retention, completion rates, and time to completion.

Graduate beginner fall-to-fall retention within Master's degree programs
Campus Baseline (2022 cohort) 2023-24 (2023 cohort)
Bloomington 93.7% Available November 2024
Graduate beginner fall-to-fall retention within Doctoral-Research/Scholarship degree programs
Campus Baseline (2022 cohort) 2023-24 (2023 cohort)
Bloomington 93.8% Available November 2024
Graduate beginner fall-to-fall retention within Doctoral-Professional Practice degree programs
Campus Baseline (2022 cohort) 2023-24 (2023 cohort)
Bloomington 95.4% Available November 2024
Graduate three-year completion rates within Master’s degree programs
Campus Baseline (2019 cohort) 2023-24 (2020 cohort)
Bloomington 84.6% 81.7%
Graduate six-year completion rates within Doctoral-Research/Scholarship programs
Campus Baseline (2016 cohort) 2023-24 (2017 cohort)
Bloomington 38.9% 40.5%
Graduate six-year completion rates within Doctoral-Professional Practice programs
Campus Baseline (2016 cohort) 2023-24 (2017 cohort)
Bloomington 90.7% 91.4%

Increasing philanthropic support for endowed financial aid to support student access and affordability.

New philanthropic support for endowed financial aid to support student access and affordability
Campus Baseline (2022-23) 2023-24
Bloomington $31,031,886 Available November 2024

Increasing online enrollment in academic programs, including career-aligned certificates, and micro-credentials.

Undergraduate online enrollments in programs and certificates
Campus Baseline (2022-23) 2023-24
Bloomington 43 48
Graduate online enrollments in programs and certificates
Campus Baseline (2022-23) 2023-24
Bloomington 1,441 1,357

Reduce the number of students receiving a grade below a C- in 100-400 level courses.

Students receiving a grade below a C- in 100-400 level courses
Campus Baseline (2022-23) 2023-24 % Change
Bloomington 11.1% 8.9% -2.2%

* Beginner – Students who have not attended any university as a degree-seeking student before coming to IU

Round yellow icon featuring white lineart of a microscope, books, and a beaker with a wide yellow line in the background


Indiana University is committed to the pursuit of discovery, creativity, and innovation that improve communities and changes lives.

$12.4MPhilanthropic support for transformational research

$121.3MExternal sponsored research funding

Expand external sponsored research.

External sponsored research
Campus Baseline (2022-23) 2023-24
Bloomington $121,257,681 Available November 2024

Doubling the number of external grants over $5 million.

Number of external grants over $5 million
Campus Baseline (2022-23) 2023-24
Bloomington 0 Available November 2024

Increasing sponsored research from foundations, non-profits, industry, and government contracts.

Sponsored research from foundations, non-profits, industry, and government contracts
Campus Baseline (2021-23) 2023-24
Bloomington $19,460,042 Available November 2024

Increasing scholarship

Articles per faculty
Campus Baseline (2022-23) 2023-24
Bloomington 6.4 Available November 2024
Citations per faculty
Campus Baseline (2022-23) 2023-24
Bloomington 128.4 Available November 2024
Books per faculty
Campus Baseline (2022-23) 2023-24
Bloomington 0.68 Available November 2024

Increasing invention disclosures, licenses and license revenue, and the number of faculty and student startups.

Invention disclosures
Campus Baseline (2021-23) 2023-24
Bloomington 30 Available November 2024
Number of licenses (agreements)
Campus Baseline (2021-23) 2023-24
Bloomington 7 Available November 2024
License revenue
Campus Baseline (2021-23) 2023-24
Bloomington $801,725 Available November 2024
Annual number of faculty startups
Campus Baseline (2021-23) 2023-24
Bloomington 2 Available November 2024

"Our goal is nothing short of extraordinary impact—in students transformed, discoveries made, and communities strengthened." —IU President Pamela Whitten