Research Outcomes

Round yellow icon featuring white lineart of a microscope, books, and a beaker with a wide yellow line in the background


Markers of IU's progress against its goals and objectives will include:

Expand external sponsored research.

External sponsored research (3-year fiscal year average)
Campus Baseline (2021-23) 2022-24 % Change
IU (university-wide) $514,636,955 $542,638,753 5.4%
IU Administration $14,619,828 $19,065,334 30.4%
School of Medicine $347,147,784 $369,357,396 6.4%
Bloomington $117,781,724 $116,899,036 -0.7%
Indianapolis** $34,413,623 $36,329,784 5.6%
Regional Campuses $673,997 $987,203 46.5%

Doubling the number of external grants over $5 million.

Number of external grants over $5 million (by fiscal year)
Campus Baseline (2022-23) 2023-24
IU (university-wide) 8 9
IU Administration 1 1
School of Medicine 6 8
Bloomington 0 0
Indianapolis** 1 0

Generating significant philanthropic support for transformational research and creative pursuits.

New philanthropic support for transformational research and creative pursuits (3-year fiscal year average)
Campus Baseline (2021-23) 2022-24 % Change
IU (university-wide) $51,921,944 $65,323,078 25.8%
School of Medicine $30,850,297 $37,122,940 20.3%
Bloomington $12,821,660 $20,016,071 56.1%
Indianapolis** $8,177,989 $8,078,957 -1.2%
Regional Campuses $71,998 $105,110 46.0%

Increasing sponsored research from foundations, non-profits, industry, and government contracts.

Sponsored research from foundations, non-profits, industry, and government contracts (3-year fiscal year average)
Campus Baseline (2021-23) 2022-24 % Change
IU (university-wide) $107,087,399 $118,756,425 10.9%
UA Administration $492,245 $829,162 68.4%
School of Medicine $79,900,915 $89,554,697 12.1%
Bloomington $19,460,042 $19,216,925 -1.2%
Indianapolis** $7,132,269 $8,882,797 24.5%
Regional Campuses $101,927 $272,843 167.7%

Increasing scholarship

Articles per faculty (4-year calendar year average)
Campus Baseline (2019-22) 2020-23
Bloomington 6.4 6.7
Indianapolis^ 8.1 8.6
Citations per faculty (5-year calendar year average)
Campus Baseline (2018-22) 2019-23
Bloomington 128.4 142.3
Indianapolis^ 163.1 200.8
Books per faculty (10 calendar years)
Campus Baseline (2013-22) 2014-23
Bloomington 0.68 0.63
Indianapolis^ 0.34 0.33

Increasing invention disclosures, licenses and license revenue, and the number of faculty and student startups. IU (university-wide) totals include regional campuses, if applicable.

Invention disclosures (3-year fiscal year average)
Campus Baseline (2021-23) 2022-24
IU (university-wide) 120 133
School of Medicine 71 78
Bloomington 30 38
Indianapolis** 18 16
Number of licenses (agreements) (3-year fiscal year average)
Campus Baseline (2021-23) 2022-24
IU (university-wide) 24 27
School of Medicine 16 16
Bloomington 7 9
Indianapolis** 0 1
License revenue (3-year fiscal year average)
Campus Baseline (2021-23) 2022-24
IU (university-wide) $8,829,411 $7,118,925
School of Medicine $7,996,182 $6,397,598
Bloomington $801,725 $676,622
Indianapolis** $31,503 $44,705
Annual number of faculty startups (3-year fiscal year average)
Campus Baseline (2021-23) 2022-24
IU (university-wide) 5 4
Bloomington 2 2
Indianapolis** 1 0
School of Medicine 2 2
Annual number of student startups (by academic year)
Campus Baseline (2023-24) 2024-25
IU (university-wide) 25 Available November 2025

Expanding the number of community-engaged research partnerships undertaken in collaboration with community organizations and local governments.

Community-engaged research partnership undertaken with community organizations/local governments (by fiscal year)
Campus Baseline (2022-23) 2023-24
IU (university-wide) 51* 48

Moving into the top 10 of National Institutes of Health funding to public medical schools.

National Institutes of Health funding given to public medical schools (IU School of Medicine ranking) (by fiscal year)
Campus Baseline (2022-23) 2023-24
School of Medicine 14 13

* IU (university-wide) baseline total updated per Office of the Vice President of Research, 7/19/2024

** Includes Columbus and Fort Wayne; excludes Purdue-related data

*** Total reflects officially reported data and includes Purdue-related data

^ Includes Columbus, Fort Wayne, and IUSM Basic Science faculty; Purdue faculty are excluded